[email protected] (021) 7401925 Jl. Ir H. Juanda No.95,Ciputat Indonesia,

Memperjelas, menumbuhkan, mengkonsolidasi, mempercepat, mensistematisasikan serta melembagakan gerakan mutu pendidikan tinggi

Inovasi LPM


Having created a number of our own fintech products, we have become market leaders at the crossroads of software development and finance. Let us take your business to the next level with the latest in industry best practices.


Having created a number of our own fintech products, we have become market leaders at the crossroads of software development and finance. Let us take your business to the next level with the latest in industry best practices.


Having created a number of our own fintech products, we have become market leaders at the crossroads of software development and finance. Let us take your business to the next level with the latest in industry best practices.